Saturday, August 19, 2006

An Explanation

Hi all. Here's what's up. I am going to enter some of my photography into the Salmon Arm Fair, so in the next day or two I have to decide what is going and get it enlarged. I also have to cut mats for each picture which, thanks to Terry and Alana giving me a mat cutting kit for Christmas will be no problem for the 5x7 photos, though I will have to find and buy some bigger matting board for the 8x10s.

I need your help to make the final decisions as to what is or isn't going to be entered. The catagories I am planning to enter are as follows:

New Competitors: minimum size 5x7
Class :
2. Open Prints (I guess this means anything you want to enter)
3. People
4. Animals - Domestic or Wild

Intermediate Competitors: minimum size 8x10
5. Pictorial (this also seems to be an anything goes class)
6. People
9. Plant - Domestic or Wild
10. Animal - Domestic or Wild

I will post a bunch of pictures that I am considering and really would appreciate if you could post "comments" to the blog or email me direct with your oppinions as to which pictures you think would be good for competition in each of the above catagories. It would also be fantastic if you could give any reasons why you think your choice would have a chance to win this competition. THANK YOU for taking the time to help me out in this, I am grateful!!!

I also am going to be part of the Monashee Spinners and Weavers group taking part in the Sheep to Shawl Competition again this year. (On my blog I posted pictures etc. from the 2005 competition which I was also a part of). We decided this year that if we are paying for a Exhibitor Pass to take part in this competition we should each be entering other things too, so this is one of the divisions I will enter in. I also am considering some other things to enter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

# 22, 7, 10, The scenery with the fall colors, the bird house, shows such depth, you just want to keep looking at it. It's a winner to me. The flower and scenery ones are over done and regular, not that they aren't good, but nothing jumps out as special. The 2 deer in the sage brush, if it comes with sharp focus has intrigue to it, as if to try to find another deer in the bush somewhere hiding, it's coloration is attractive, and has good possibilities. The one of the deer that you cropped the background off, I am wondering if keeping a little more of the background would be better, but not as much as the original, as this adds a little more depth. Beautiful pictures, maybe you should put your pictures and poetry together, make a book and try to get it published. All the pictures are well done, but Ive seen them many times over, so the ones that are postcard or calender quality is these 3. ( I hope I got the numbers correct..??? ) 2 of the deer and then the fall scene that you did for your mom. I think that is my favourite. I would love to have it on my wall. Hope you win girlfriend. Love Lynda