Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Decisions Made

This is what I chose and have gotten printed for my entries:

New Competitors: minimum size 5x7
Class :
2. Open Prints (I guess this means anything you want to enter)
{#2 & #14}
3. People {#4}
4. Animals - Domestic or Wild {#13}

Intermediate Competitors: minimum size 8x10
5. Pictorial (this also seems to be an anything goes class)
{#1, #22, #5}
6. People {none}
9. Plant - Domestic or Wild {none}
10. Animal - Domestic or Wild {#28 & #34}

I decided to enter extras in some classes and skip others depending on what I felt (and some of your votes indicated) were my stronger points. It was hard to decide which class #5 should be entered into (Plant? Animal?) so I put it into Pictoral.

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