Sunday, August 20, 2006


I got looking at the pictures and decided to crop some of the background out of #10. This is the result. Very much like #12 but there are differences. Some other pictures here are close but different as well, a little closer in for example. Some are suttle differences, but they are there.


Anonymous said...

beautiful,definitely a favourite, you feel like you a right there, simple yet....,

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

I will post here the comments I get in emails.

From my sister Anne: All very nice Alice - no time to explain WHY but I think 1,4,5,7,13,23 and 28 are best.

From my friend Lynda: I posted my comments, but it still says there are 0 comments, so here is me thoughts.
# 28, 22, 10, 11, 7 and 2 are postcard/calender quality. You should put then in a book with your poetry and try to publish it. The deer are beautiful, makes you feel like you are right there. #28 should have a little more background but not as much as the original did. The ones in the greyish blue sage, make you look closer to see if there are more then 2 deer, it's got good depth and just a little mystic. The one you did for your mom, the fall colors with the birdhouse, is my favourite, the depth is great and colors fantastic. A green or red (in fall shades) colored matting would compliment. #2 with the fading of the mountains is good but I've seen ones like it many times so not sure if you could win with it. The winner for me is either the deer in the sage or the birdhouse. All the rest are wonderfully done but a little common, and nothing special jumped out at me that made me look a second time.
Hope this is helpful.
With love Lynda
I saved some of them and have one as my background, thanks.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

I looked into things and found that the reason Lynda's post hadn't been published was that I had enabled the moderation function so I had to "okay" each of the comments posted. I did that and turned off the moderation thing so comments will now be posted without waiting for me to read and okay them.

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

From my friend Andrea:
Hi Ali:
I like #28 far better than 12 and I love the waterfall #19 best... way more and better detail
There's nothing better than "I like it" that I can say about #25
I like #6 - picture of your mom...... alone but self-sufficient.... strong and proud
#14 is a pretty scene but my friend in the southern states likes #22 the best. Does that help?

Cibel said to tell you that she likes the one where your mom's looking at the lake...... not sideways....... #4?????

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Now, for the fun of it I'm going to post continue posting emails in other spots on the blog. I wouldn't want you to get to read all replies in one spot or you might get bored, haha. This way it will be kind of like an Easter Egg Hunt. If you want to know what people say you have to look around, lol. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

I really like this one. Being an animal lover it caught my attention. They look so alert ready bolt. The background is simple highlighting the deer and you feel like your part of the picture and it was you that startled them.

Anonymous said...

#25 sunflower to me is distorted. not a favorite of mine