These first ones were taken in the Kootenays on my holiday in May. I had such a good time and am so very glad I went. I had to put it all on my credit card, not something I usually do without first having the money to pay it off... but hey, sometimes a girl just has to do what a girl has to do, lol. I stayed with a really wonderful friend, so really the biggest expense was the fuel for my truck and being mostly highway miles, well I can't complain at all.
To see a larger view, just click on of the photos.
P/S 1
P/S 2
P/S 3
P/S 4
P/S 5
P/S 6
P/S 7
P/S 8
P/S 9
P/S 10
P/S 11
My favorites are P/S 4, 8, and 11. Especially number 4. I love the way the greenery envelops the rush of water. It's really beautiful; a combination of energy and serenity.
# 4 and # 9. Love them both, the light in # 4, and the promise of a rest in # 9...
P/S5 because I like rainbows. :)
I adore #9. It made me stop scrolling! There is something incredibly lush about the nature, which always makes me think of cooperation and togetherness but it is contrasted by the empty bench. Maybe it symbolizes the break between the bond that man and nature once had. Or something.
P/S 4!
ya...what Janna said...
P/S 10 or 11 for me :)
P/S 4 & 6
ps4 and ps 11.
I like them all, but if I had to choose I'd say P/S 4 and P/S 8.
Just take note that for most competition, clarity, color and focus are real important. The rainbow shots are good but the tent distracted my focus. As for clarity, the color is real dull.
My selections would be P/S4 and P/S8. P/S4 has a good balance of colors. It's refreshing and the focus is perfect. As for P/S8, the focus is on the bench. It blends in the nature as a by-product of trees even though I know it's made out of cement.. haha :)
I find #2 very pretty.
P/S4 - the contrast in color in beautiful
P2 has good tonal qualities and colors. General composition of a walkway moving through the picture draws you in. P8 is good conceptualy but much detail in the sky has been burned out. A polarizing filter on your lens would make your blues pop, see my wordless wednesday pict from this week.
My favorite of these is P/S11
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